Monday, December 9, 2019

December 9, 2019

We welcomed student doctors from the University of Calgary, who presented an interactive session on healthy eating to the whole school. We hope this will encourage the children to be more open to bringing healthy snacks and lunches to school.
In Gym we have moved to dance, which all the students seem to enjoy.  
We learn how to subtract numbers and how to solve word problems involving this operation.
Our grade 3 students have been reading and writing about Rapunzel; this culminated in a STEM activity where they had to design and build a method to help Rapunzel escape from the tower. Some amazing design and construction took place! 
The Grade 4 students have been listening to and writing their own creation  stories.
In science the grade 3's have design have designed their own bridges and next week we will collaborate to construct a large bridge in the classroom. 
The Grade 4s are building windmills using lego, identifying the simple machines in them, and then using wind power to create electricity. 
The grade 3s continue to learn about Peru  in Social Studies and the importance of llamas and alpacas to the culture and economy. This week they created their own looms and have been weaving some pretty spectacular designs. 
The grade 4s continue to learn about Alberta asking questions about our province, and are moving towards building a large 3D map.
With just two weeks to go to the start of our winter break on Thursday December 19th, there will be lots going on in the school. We will be having a couple of winter celebrations through song, which you are welcome to join. In health, the students learned about GERMS. As the weather continues to be so changeable and an increasing number of children getting sick, please ensure they wear weather appropriate clothes. 

During math period, the students applied their skills of telling the time to create a timetable for the next school year. In addition, we re...