Friday, November 29, 2019

November 29, 2019

Weather and Clothing
  • Given the weather we have experienced this week, we just want to remind you to make sure your children come to school with appropriate clothing please, as some children are arriving without snowpants, boots, gloves and hats, as well as indoor shoes to change into. 
Healthy Eating Presentation
  • Next week we are fortunate to have medical students from the University of Calgary presenting to our students on healthy eating linked to the health curriculum. We are hoping that this interactive session will encourage students to make healthy choices for their snacks and lunches.
Physical Education
  • During December we will be teaching dance and yoga in gym classes. Please make sure your children have loose clothing and gym shoes for these activities.
  • We appreciate you supporting your children to read at home each day - it makes a big difference with their progress.

During math period, the students applied their skills of telling the time to create a timetable for the next school year. In addition, we re...