Thursday, October 31, 2019

October 31, 2019

Friday, November 1:
There is no school on Friday for the students.  The teachers are in school for Professional Development, but the students get a long weekend.  We look forward to welcoming your children back on Monday November 4th. 
TELUS Spark Field Trip - Thursday November 7th:
If you haven't already done so, please return your child's permission slip fully completed and the $6 cost as soon as possible. If you have a police check and are able to volunteer, please let us know as we are still looking for help.
Remembrance Day Assembly - November 8th
Your children will be participating in the Remembrance Assembly on November 8th and we would be delighted if you are able to join us, as we honour those who gave their lives. Further details will follow next week. 
Thank you and, as always,  please connect with us if you have any questions or concerns.

Friday, October 25, 2019

October 25, 2019

Dear parents, please read and sign the field trip form to TELUS Spark Centre, which was send out today with you child. With the support of BP A+for Energy Grant, we were able to reduce the admission price to $6 per child. As always, these amazing learning opportunities can take place with the support of volunteers. Please let me know if you can join us on November 7th, 2019.
In math we started to use rounding the numbers to the nearest ten, hundred or thousand in order to estimate sums.
In art and writing the students have learned about North West Coast Aboriginal People culture through stories and drawing.
In science we explored simple machines and we discussed on how they make our daily tasks much easier. The students are encouraged to identify simple machines in their homes. 
Through a museokit borrowed from Glenbow Museum (funded through an Emerald Foundation Grant) our learners have been exposed to Alberta's natural resources and diverse occupations held by people in the past.
Please encourage you child to share with you the work samples saved on their Google Drive.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

October 10, 2019

Just a quick reminder that Parent Conferences are taking place this Thursday evening and Friday morning.  If you haven't yet booked your appointment please do so on-line, or call the school and we can do it for you. You can also email me back and I can book it for you.  We will have interpreters available so please let us know if you will need one. 
Thursday October 10th is the last day of class before the Fall Break for students. School will finish at 3:01pm. Teachers will be in on Friday for Parent Conferences only. School will re-start on Monday October 21st. 
Please try to return any overdue library books this week - students will have the opportunity to take out new books this Thursday to have over the holiday.
The Book Fair will be available for further purchases to be made on Thursday. 
Please try to ensure that your child has suitable clothing for the weather. They should now have indoor shoes in school and have snow pants, hat and gloves available when necessary. A lot of shoes and clothing continue to be mislaid or lost. It would be helpful if you could ensure that your child's name is on all their belongings to prevent the loss of costly items, especially as many children have the same or similar clothing. 
Finally, please enjoy a wonderful break with your families. 

Friday, October 4, 2019

Parent/Teacher Conferences Thursday: 4:00 – 7:30pm & Friday: 8:00 – 1:00pm
Parents are able to start booking Monday Oct 7 @ 8:00am.
Please follow the link below to create an account (in case you have not done so previously) - Parent Login Page

School Conferences Parent Guide  Parent Guide (How to book a conference)

Thursday, October 3, 2019

This week we learned about Terry Fox, Orange Shirt Day and Residential Schools.
During the math period how to compare and organize numbers from smallest to largest and vice-versa.
In art the students used pictographs to tell Indigenous stories.
A reminder about our Community Potluck that will start at
Parent Teacher Interviews will take place next Thursday and Friday. The booking system will be opened from Monday at

During math period, the students applied their skills of telling the time to create a timetable for the next school year. In addition, we re...