Friday, September 27, 2019

September 27, 2019

Orange Shirt Day

We will be recognizing Orange Shirt Day on Thursday October 3, 2019. This will be an opportunity for students and staff to learn about the legacy of the residential schools, as well as indigenous ways of knowing. Staff will lead students through a variety of learning activities that will engage students in conversations about belonging, community, and inclusion. A powerful way to do this is through the indigenous pedagogy of circle. Circle defines inclusion, In the circle we are all equal. No one is above, no one is below. No one is in front, no one is behind. The Sacred Circle is designed to create unity. As a way to recognize this very important day, staff and students are encouraged to wear orange. This represents our continued commitment to the Truth and Reconciliation Act as well as honoring the survivors of residential schools. If you have any questions please let us know.
Terry Fox Run

Our Terry Fox run will take place on Wednesday October 2 from 2:00pm-2:45pm. Students will gather for a short assembly, followed by a 20min Terry Fox run on the path close to the Marlborough Park Community Center. On the day of the run, students are encouraged to bring a Toonie for Terry to show their support and help raise money for cancer research. If you have any questions please let us know.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September 25, 2019

A kind reminder about our Community Potluck which will take place on October 3rd, 2019, from 6.00 to 7.30.
Students have enjoyed the music period (3 times per week).
We learned about Indian culture by making a Mandala using diverse shapes and colors.
By reading and writing on topics related with Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the students have learned how to make positive choices in the classroom setting.
In math the students have learned to compare numbers by using place value concepts.
Due to the forecast weather on Friday, Terry Fox run will be rescheduled for next Friday, October 4, 2019.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Pot Luck - Our annual Pot Luck will be on October 3rd. A letter will be coming home next week with further information. We hope you will be able to join us for what will be a very pleasant evening. The Book Fair will also be taking place on that night.

Next Friday, October 20th will be a non- instructional day - so no school for students. 

Fund Raising - The Parents Council have sent home their first fund raiser - Farm to School, a wonderful opportunity to receive fresh vegetables while supporting your children's education. Please return your form to school by September 26th. 

Photographs - Picture orders are due by Monday.

Volunteers - If you indicated that you wished to volunteer at school or on field trips, please make sure you have a security clearance by checking with Miss Amanda, as we are planning at least 3 field trips this year and will need your support.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Personal picture order is due on September 16, 2019.
All the students in our class have been registered to Teach Your Monster To Read. Please see the parent letter, which has been sent home. Please encourage your child to use it at home in order to improve their reading skills.
Community Potluck will take place on October 3, 2019 from 6.00 to 7.30 at Cappy Smart School.
Invitations will be sent out this week.

Monday, September 9, 2019

September 09, 2019

Dear parents please check the School Council initiative AUTUMN FUNDRAISER, which has been sent home with your child.
Great resources could be found in the brochure Child Safe Canada, Resource Guide Fall/Winter 2019.

September 9, 2019 Important Information

Hello Cappy Smart families,

It’s been a great first few weeks and we have all been very pleased to reconnect with our returning families as well as the many new families who have joined us over the past few weeks. I want to share some important information with you regarding our current class sizes as well as how we are going to ensure that we are providing the best opportunities for all of our students to be successful.

In June, we shared our projections for the 2019-2020 School Year. Our numbers have changed as we have had a few families move in and out of the community/city. The net result of these changes has created some unbalanced class sizes. Please see the chart below regarding our anticipated and current class sizes.

Class Anticipated Class Size – June 2019 
Grade 1/2 18 
Grade 1/2 18 
Grade 1/2 18 
Grade 3/4 25 
Grade 3/4 25 
Grade 4/5 26 
Kindergarten AM/PM 13/13

Current Class Size – September 2019
Grade 1/2 14
Grade 1/2 14
Grade 1/2 17
Grade 3/4 29
Grade 3/4 29
Grade 4/5 28
Kindergarten AM/PM 15/14

In an effort to ensure that all students are receiving the best possible opportunity to have a successful year, we will be redeploying some of our staff. This will create class sizes that are more typical for the grade levels and will allow us to provide new learning opportunities to all students. I have itemized the changes below:

Kindergarten: Ms. Blake will continue to teach the afternoon class. Ms. Woodward will be taking over the morning class after a one-week transition with Ms. Blake.

Grade 1/2: Ms. Woodward will be moving to half time kindergarten and half-time music (all grades). Her students will be divided between Ms. Christensen and Ms. Cheveldeoff’s classes with the same priorities that we used to create the original classes (learning needs come first). We will do our best to ensure that students are placed in the class where they will most likely learn best with their teacher and their classmates. Our Division 1 Education Assistant Ms. Mutual will now spend her time working with 2 grade 1/2 classes instead of 3 which will increase the amount of time that she can support students in the classrooms. Class sizes will be approximately 22 students per class.

Grade 3/4 and 4/5: Classes will now receive support from Ms. Blake in the morning Monday-Thursday. This will allow her to work collaboratively with these grades and provide greater opportunities for students to understand and revisit curriculum. Children will be regrouped based on current needs and the work that the students are engaged in so this number will go up and down. We are not creating a new class. Students will remain assigned to their current homeroom teacher and will regroup as needed.

SKILL 1 and SKILL 2: These classes are maintained by the system and will receive the same staffing and support as they did before.

Reorganizing our school is something that we take very seriously and I would like to assure you that we have considered many options before arriving at the conclusion that we needed to rebalance classes. Based on the number of students in each grade, it makes the most sense to retain the current grade format so that we can welcome any new students we may receive after September without overloading one class or grade.

Mr. Nyrerod and I will be available for questions after school on Tuesday and Wednesday this week and would be happy to discuss this with you in greater detail if you are interested. Please call Ms. Amanda in the office to let us know that you are coming so that we can schedule our time accordingly.

We anticipate putting these changes into effect on Monday, September 16, 2019. Thank you in advance for your support and understanding as we work to support the needs of all of our students from Kindergarten to Grade 5 and in our SKILL classes.


Erin Bennett
Principal, Cappy Smart School
t | 403-777-8110

Ryan Nyrerod
Assistant Principal
Twitter - @MrNrod
t | 403.777.8110 ext 2223

Friday, September 6, 2019

September 6, 2019

This week we started to learn about place value by using base ten blocks. We continued the work on patterns and skip counting.
In science we explored the relationship between sunlight, heat and colors by conducting an experiment.
In literacy we explored books about making positive choices in and outside of classroom.
In social studies we started to learn about human needs, in particular how educations looks in different countries and in the past.
In gym we exercised by playing tag games connected with the current science unit.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

September 3, 2019

A Big Thank to all the parents that came to meet me on Thursday, August 29, 2019.
Thank you to all the students that have returned 2019-2020 School Forms. If you have not done so, please return them as soon as possible.
Today the Demographic Form has been sent home. Parents, please verify the information, adjust if needed, sign it and return it to school as soon as possible.

During math period, the students applied their skills of telling the time to create a timetable for the next school year. In addition, we re...